A View of Scotland

For many years I only knew of St Andrews as the home of golf, a town of wide and beautiful beaches and stone built houses.  It was where my son completed his masters. Where my mother-in-law had an apartment. Where Prince William met Kate!

It was only once I had left the country that I started to learn about the rich history of Scottish Country Dancing and the summer school held every year in St Andrews. Although I have yet to attend the summer school, I am excited to have a plan that will take me there in 2022. 

I will, of course, visit all the old haunts. A long walk along the beach, home to Chariots of Fire, breakfast at one of the many wonderful clubhouses, a few balls around the trainer Balgove golf course (I can’t actually play golf that well), an ice-cream from Jannettas, a cocktail in Rusacks hotel. In addition to all these activities, I will also be able to try out the famous wooden floor in Younger Hall which used for the Summer School.

—Audrey Paul


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